I have two universes, that gets data from system A and B, each of them store data of automobile. system A stores the Vin number data in its full 17 digit, whereas system B stores data either 17 or last 8 digits of the vin. Some of the data in System A is in System b but could be just stored as 8 digit vin.
my task is to find out the the total count of unique Vin in the whole system.
here is the sample data
system A
business unit | date | SOURCE SYSTEM | vin |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | VU10D95V23Z64A56 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | KW99W47D82T88S55 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | HE59I87C89N67V35 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | XG60F16U74Z38L20 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | SA68U97O56J49O23 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | ZJ60Z16I44L31R70 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | MJ28Z63H23Q49H95 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | UI53C83H31C45D10 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | RE92S32L32T19U35 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | XV99R93E37B29Z24 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | WJ11W64O56C54T86 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | TZ30N65W48X80S69 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | SL59J90R40U75R61 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | KJ20H71I70A99N18 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | QD57A19B78U91X18 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | UR40F37A82S65K75 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | SF31C46B39U14S30 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | DB35M38Y15R23M70 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | SO75R97M20X80I70 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | RD50Y14I20X80I70 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | MP48T45C52O66C66 |
cars | 2015/04 | pc | IV91O88N63N23N20 |
Source System B
business unit | date | SOURCE SYSTEM | vin |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 23Z64A56 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | KW99W47D82T88S55 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 92D42KD7 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | XG60F16U74Z38L20 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 56J49O23 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 44L31R70 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 98U65P40 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 31C45D10 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 32T19U35 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | XV99R93E37B29Z24 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 56C54T86 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 48X80S69 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 40U75R61 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | MB82B85Y50E21D43 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | DG59G64S76S61Q95 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | FR71P67C50T88X90 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 39U14S30 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 15R23M70 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 98A67Q11 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 20X80I70 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 52O66C66 |
cars | 2015/04 | Mac | 63N23N20 |
i need a table that is like this
Business unit | Date | Count |
Cars | 2015/04 | 27 |
Thank you very much in advance