Hi Everyone,
I am new to this blog and i am not sure if similar topic has been discussed before. I have report requirement to bring the missing data in the web-i report. Below is the actual requirement with example
A summary webi report is created to retrieve data for a customer for Last 5 years based upon the user selected date. The report is actually on Insurance domain. Eg: If user selects the XXXX Customer and the date as 31/12/2014 then the report has to show the summary of data from 2010 to 2014.
How to bring the years in the report that the XXXX customer doesn't have any data.
Currently am handling it with 2 Queries. The first query will have all the required dimension and measures with customer and date prompt. Whereas the second query will have year object with restriction condition to bring Last 5 years always. Then year objects from two queries are merged and used it in the report. So that the report will always show 5 years even if the customer doesn't have data.
Is there any easier way to do this as the addition of second query reduces the performance?
Thanks & Regards,