Anyone every experienced this.
When using a dimension which is are decimals with 4 digit precision (could probably be 3 and more), when using that dimension in a prompt in the Query Panel, WebI is rounding that number to 2 digits. This can be seen by viewing the Query Panel SQL script. When using it simply as a constant, it does not get truncated. The 4 decimals are really important as measures associated to these points are used thereafter to retrieve all the records within an interval based on that dimension.
The values are set as dimensions even if the values are decimals as they reflect coordinates.
Database field is set to Numeric with 4 precision.
Datafoundation layer is set to Numeric with 4 precision.
Business Layer is set to Numeric.
When displaying values at each step, values are correct.
Windows Server and Windows workstation
BI LaunchPad WebI HTML/Java
BI 4.1 SP3
UNX on Netezza database.