I am trying to calculate the % Revenue Share for a given month as a % of the total revenue for that month in the report. This should be across all sales divisions for a given month. I'm using the formula "=Sum([Invoiced Product Revenue]) ForEach ([Calendar Year/Month]", but it's not calculating correctly. It works fine when my report only includes 1 month, but I'm running the report for a full year and the report breaks down the Invoiced Product Revenue by month. I've tried adding "In Report" at the end of my formula but that is not working either. I would expect that the % Revenue Share would not re-calculate the monthly % Revenue Share every time I add additional months in the input control. I would expect that the January 2013 % Revenue Share should remain constant even if I select additional months to be added to my report.
This product of this calcuation is setup to reflect as a percentage. Any thoughts on what I need to tweak?